We tell you how you can do it these days

Achieving relaxation is a worthwhile goal. It is not easy and many times we have to resort to tricks and techniques, but we can all achieve it. Why should we try to achieve it, especially these days when we cannot leave the house? Because when we relax, we create space in the mind and soul for happiness.

Carrying out certain activities consciouslyand as a routine gives you the stability you need so much, both physically and emotionally. And in 21 days you can create a new healthy habit.

Ways to improve your well-being

1. Yes, you can, take a relaxing half hour bath If you don’t have a bath, you can take a shower without worrying about the weather, while you listen to your favourite music and light a scented candle or incense.

Ways to improve your well-being

Yes, you can, take a relaxing half hour bath. If you don’t have a bath, you can take a shower without worrying about the weather, while you listen to your favourite music and light a scented candle or incense.

2. Forget about your mobile phone for a couple of hours a day. This practice will free you from being constantly «connected». Moreover, constant exposure to screens is not good for your skin, as the blue light they radiate aggravates the signs of facial ageing, such as spots. The trick (apart from leaving your mobile phone aside for a while) is to use a specific product every day that acts as a protective filter and at the same time mitigates the damage that occurs on a daily basis. Facial anti-pollution products are ideal for preventing skin damage.

3. Plan time to «do nothing» in your day-to-day life While you do nothing, recharge your batteries.

4. Practice yoga in the morning and prepare your body and mind to start the day.

5. Eat slowly and become aware of how all your senses are perceiving the flavors and sensations.

6. Start a sleep routine. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and not too late. Avoiding exposure to screens in the minutes before you go to sleep will help you fall asleep better.

7. Create a skin care routine, with products that suit your needs and have anti-stress properties. This way your skin is better supported, but it also influences your mood.

8. Discover a new hobby and set aside at least half an hour a day to practice it: reading, painting, dancing, cooking…

9. Learn how to give yourself aself-massage. You can get all the benefits of daily massage by doing it yourself.

10. Enjoy these days that are just for you and yours.

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