

The skin and brain come from the same embryonic tissue. Our skin has nerve endings and sensors that connect external stimuli with our mind, establishing a dialogue that occurs through 800,000 sensory receptors. The knowledge of this connection between skin and brain has led to the birth of neurocosmetics, which seeks to attack the causes and negative consequences for our skin created by our mind, so often affected by stress, rhythm of life, etc.
In time or due to factors such as stress, these communications between skin and brain are damaged. When the receptors lose functionality and the nerve connections are weakened, the communicative capacity is reduced, which causes skin disorders.
When the connection between skin and brain fails our skin needs the help of Neurocosmetics.
This distancing usually occurs after the age of 30, when the skin is more dehydrated, with lack of luminosity and fatigue. Therefore, from this age we need a treatment that goes beyond conventional cosmetics.
The Facialderm Facial Anti-Stress & Anti-Aging line unites dermatology and neuroscience, repairing connections and treating the dermis against the consequences of stress, improving tone and luminosity. By resuming this dialogue, the skin regains its strength and energy and is able to react better to stimuli and aggressions. Skin and brain are reconnected with the help of formulas containing Neurophroline TM, active protagonist of the entire line.
Facialderm’s neurocosmetic proposal promotes these stimuli related to well-being and energy and, in our case, focusing on reducing the symptoms of facial stress. An ideal range for women suffering from stress, and that helps keep the sensory receptors in perfect condition, in addition to offering a powerful anti-aging treatment, which prevents the signs of aging.