Hello! I’m Puri. Purification. I confess that I’ve never liked my name. My grandmother, who gave it to me, always told me: “Well, if you don’t like it, go and change it! I never did, and I’m glad because now, a few years later, I love it because it connects me to my process of self-knowledge and getting back to my essence, to my “core”, removing onion layer after onion layer.
I have always been a restless seeker and passionate about the school of life. Since I was a child I have been very curious, everything caught my attention and I loved to learn. I was always “happy”. In fact during my scholarship in Mexico my nom de guerre was “Alegria Alegria”. Around the age of 39 I had a deep crisis that was a turning point. I discovered that I was not happy with my life. Apparently I had everything, I couldn’t complain, a good husband, a wonderful daughter, family, friends, a well-functioning business of my own, health… but I was not happy. I felt empty, unmotivated and sad. How could that be? I had hit rock bottom, and when you’ve hit rock bottom you can only go up. I started looking for “Happiness”.

They say that when the student is ready, the teacher arrives. My first great teacher was my dear Borja Vilaseca, during the “Master in Personal Development and Leadership” at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Barcelona. Curiously, the same faculty where twenty-one years earlier I had studied Business Administration. Since then I have never stopped admiring Borja and keeping him in my mind. Then came many other teachers and inspirations.

From that moment began my awakening, the most exciting journey of my life, the journey towards me. Who am I? How am I? How does my mind work? And my heart? And my body? What was I born for? On what or on whom does it depend if I am happy?
Einstein said that the important thing is that we never stop asking ourselves questions. Well, he doesn’t know who he said it to 😉.
I am committed to the mission of becoming my best self and there is no end to this process. I consider myself a renaissance woman, holistic, with multiple interests. Specialisation and labels are very fashionable nowadays, but I feel that everything is interconnected, that we are all interconnected and that we are all more alike than we think. We all yearn for the same thing and what hurts me today when I wake up, hurt someone else yesterday and will hurt another human being tomorrow. To suffer in my own flesh the path and to realise this, has reconnected me with my vocation to help, to share what I have learnt and if I can help, there is nothing that makes me happier. I am fortunate to be able to do this with my two passions: helping INNER BEAUTY through coaching and OUTER BEAUTY with our cosmetics.
I combine my role as manager at Sensalia Labs where I lead a wonderful team of exceptional people, who develop cosmetics with a clean, natural and sustainable philosophy, with my role as a coach or torch helping other people to find those resources that we all have inside, even if we have not yet seen them behind the onion layers).
In case you were thinking about it …. yes, I love onions!
Puri Martínez
Founder & CEO of Sensalia Labs and ICF certified coach.