Holiday is the perfect time to find a few days to relax
Summer, holidays, free time, disconnection. It’s time to dedicate to you, to take care of yourself and relax to charge your batteries and come back stronger. If you have a few days’ rest, take advantage of it to do what you want and, above all, achieve maximum well-being.
1. Turn off the technology
It’s called digital detox and it consists of turning off the technology, but above all it consists of disconnecting ourselves mentally from it. Goodbye emails, goodbye calls, goodbye whatsapps and also social networks, for a few hours a day at least.
Precisely when we are on vacation we feel like posting more on social networks, but getting to relax and disconnect means not being so concerned about sharing with others online and living the moment without worries.
And of course, to be able to relax you have to be able to disconnect from work issues, having left everything resolved before the holidays.
2. Make time for yourself
When we think about summer vacation, we usually think about it in the form of plans and meetings with friends and family, but it is also very healthy to spend time with ourselves, without noise and without impulses that take us away from absolute peace.
It is a great time to find relaxing practices that allow us to connect with our inner selves and promote our well-being.
3. Take care of your body and your skin
Body and mind are connected. So if you want to relax your mind in the summer you will need to do so physically as well. Daily walking, stretching or activities such as yoga are ideal for feeling physical and will help you feel better mentally, more relaxed. Evensleep better.
If your mind is fine, your skin shows it and the same thing happens, on the contrary. The most important thing is to find balance from the inside out. To improve the skin’s appearance and avoid the premature aging effects of stress, anti-aging and facial anti-stress neurocosmetics with Neurophroline®as the main ingredient can help. The action of this powerful active ingredient reduces the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, by 70% in just two hours. Thanks to the release of calming neuropeptides capable of stimulating the synthesis of β-endorphins, in two weeks our face will present a fresh, moisturized and luminous appearance, improving our well-being and reducing redness.
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4. Enjoy reading
In the summer we are encouraged to read more because we have more time and are more relaxed than at other times. Reading is relaxing if we have a stressful day or find ourselves nervous, and spending more time reading on holiday encourages mental disconnection. We recommend you the perfect books to disconnect this summer: We recommend you the perfect books to disconnect this summer:
- – How to Make Good Things Happen, by Marián Rojas
- – My year of rest and relaxation, by Ottesa Moshfegh
- – The Power of Choice by Annie Marquier
- – Love Your Body by Cameron Diaz
- – Carlos Rios’ Royal Food Cuisine