La falta de firmeza en el rostro empieza a amenazar a partir de los 40.
Sagging is a sign of age that is not as visible and noticeable as wrinkles, but nevertheless we are very concerned about reaching an age. It has been proven that three out of ten women are concerned about facial sagging and 88% of the female population is more concerned about wrinkles. The relief is that both consequences of skin aging can be prevented and treated in the daily facial routine with specific products such as serum boosters and facial creams.
The lack of firmness in the face begins to threaten from the age of 40. It can be triggered with greater or lesser speed but, in general, from that age onwards a fold begins to be created under the cheeks, the first sign of flaccidity. After that symptom, the loss of tissue volume usually affects the dark circles under the eyes, the nasogenian fold, the lips, the eyelids and the facial oval.

The main cause of the appearance of saggingis the loss of facial fat in the areas mentioned above. In addition, the ligaments that hold the facial structures are loosened, while the strength of key muscles decreases. Genetic predisposition is also fundamental for it to occur sooner or later in some women and skin types. If this is your case, or even if you want to start treating your skin and prevent it, after your thirties and especially at 40, we recommend the Booster Serum Lifting:
Improve skin firmness with the Booster Serum Lifting
The Booster serum lifting is formulated with moisturising, regenerating and energising active ingredients, which generally contribute to achieving a younger and fresher appearance of the skin at first sight. It has been conceived as a “shock treatment” for devitalised skin that needs an additional energy boost to restore its natural balance in a few days.
The ingredients that make it possible for your skin to look firmer and more radiant:
- Collagen peptide (3%): Increases elasticity, firmness and softens wrinkles. High power of penetration into the skin, stimulates the synthesis of structural proteins of the skin (collagen, elastin and filagrin) and anchorage (laminin and integrin) between the dermis and epidermis. It redensifies the dermis and epidermis and maintains the integrity of the dermo-epidermal junction. It increases elasticity, firmness and smoothes out wrinkles.
- Energizing vegetal complex (3%): Revitalizes, softens the cutaneous relief, moisturizes and improves skin tone. Increases the synthesis of ATP, the fuel necessary for most of the metabolic processes of the cell, increasing the components of the intracellular matrix.
- Hyaluronic Acid:Natural component of the dermis that contributes to the hydration, elasticity and firmness of the skin.
- Neurophroline®: Extract based on Tephrosia purpurea, a plant native to India. has been shown that this active ingredient acts through various channels to block or alleviate the negative effects of skin stress: a) It reduces the production of cortisolby the skin cells by 70% in two hours. b) Increases the synthesis of Beta-endorphins (+163%) causing a feeling of comfort and pleasure in the skin. c) And in just 48 hours, it increases the expression of the main anti-stress enzymes: HMOX1 (+888%) and NQO1 (+528%).